Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lead Me.

How many romances have bloomed upon the dancefloor? How many have ended there? It can be the most wonderful place to lose yourself... in the music, in the moment. Where it can truely be just the two people and everyone else is just a blur. 

It is there that I truely fell for him. It is there that I'll always remember him. It is there that we'll never be again.

it only takes a pair
to fill a dancefloor
for applause to fill the air
for uncertainty to turn assured

one step forward
leads one step back
bringing two, clustered
and us on the right track

we may stumble at times
not every step can be perfect
but knowing we’ll be fine
makes every step worth it

my world can be spun
out of complete control
but i know you’ll be the one
to catch me when it’s time to fall

i know we felt like one
in that very moment
and to that very song
the rest of the world was silenced

but when the music stopped
the feelings didn’t do the same
and how i’d hoped
we’d dance that dance again

but it’ll never happened
for reality has resumed
we have finally awakened
from that dream, that illusion

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sweet Memories.

Memories. It's a place in the past we sometimes go to for comfort, when the present just isn't good enough. It's also a place that holds our lives together. It can also be a place where dreams are blurred... Where the lines between the truth and the wanted become unclear. 

I've got so many great, amazing memories that I never dare to forget. My first bike, my first crush, my first Summer romance... etc. Memories of people in life. Family. Friends. Best Friends. 

The thing is, I love those memories and I cherish it so, so much. But I'd never want to relive it. This is because, nothing you do in the present can live up to a great memory; a great memory cannot be duplicated or bested. 

I've liked and admired. I've lived a dream. My Summer romances in Vietnam have been innocent and amazing. But everytime I return to Vietnam, it's never the same story, we can never pick up where we left off. Because we have two things against us, distance and time.

i'll never forget that moment
when i saw you for the first time
how our first date went
anything but smooth and fine

so young and so stupid
we couldn't say a thing
astonishing, it even started
even despite the arguing

but we lived in that moment
we didn't think about the Fall
how our time together was spent
how we could've had it all

we barely spoke a day
but what was, was enough
it all sent me into such a daze
i never felt like giving up

until i left and then came back
then realised what had happened
everything was spinning out of whack
everything. us. weakened.

but nothing hurts more 
than seeing your face
trying so hard to ignore
the fact you've been replaced

but you never even fought
was it not good enough for you?
so then everything i've thought
was it just me being a fool?

i'll never forget our memories
as i can't ever make new ones
not the same, anyway, like you and me
as the saying goes, what's done, is done

i still reminisce our days
the confession, the date
long walks at night along the bay
the calls, the fights, the wait

it may be four thousand miles
but i hope and wish you all the best
to always have a great smile
to find great love to confess

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Today was one of those days that hit me like a Spring breeze!

[ Weird simile? I know... ]

All of last weekend I was just happy about the simplest thing... being able to leave my bedroom window open all day and night because the weather was just so lovely. Just that lovely fresh, flora-scented atmosphere made me think about great, Spring memories. It's just a rush of images and so on, but it was a nice moment. 

Now, back to today, I woke up to a lovely blue sky, and bright sunshine, and to the tune of my favourite song. Great start to the day? YES! I took my time getting ready because class didn't start til 10am... I planned to make fried rice for lunch but I burnt the rice... despite rushing out of the house and missing my bus, I still had a smile on my face. I thought I was going to be late but I was still early. 

The wait for the bus, the bus ride, the walk from the bus stop to Uni... everything was just so nice. I had a fun class. It was the first time this year, in class, that I laughed uncontrollably and laughed until I forgot what I was laughing about... I haven't had that kind of freedom of laughter since the end of year 12 last year.

The day continues as I made my way over to the other campus. Made it there in time to catch up with a friend and print off my essay. I then headed to my tutorial where I found one of the most happiest moments of Uni life so far. It was just the class, my friends, standing around... talking. Bags chucked on the floor - shoes off? And we were all just standing there, talking, catching up from the holidays. Class commences with a presentation that most of the class got involved in - there was a lot of laughter. 

I skipped my lecture to get food and take a break... Oh I learnt one thing, that is to never leave a bottle of Solo opened near Bonnie. She spills. All over the pile of books Anthony picked out and left there to dust... We went off to our next tutorial and I found our I got High Distinction for my presentation. That was just the icing on the cake!

It's been 2 months since my last post. This is due to a lot of reasons... My social life resumed. My academic life... never actually stopped. And my love life... scarred me a little. My emotions were therefore buried and I had no motivation or inspiration to write. Today, it came back... Just a little, but it's a start of a better beginning.